
Friday, 28 February 2014

Update from Ukraine

The following has been received by email from Slavic Gospel Association.

I’m sure for many of us, the situation in Ukraine has been weighing very heavily on our hearts.  The whole situation certainly needs our prayers during these days of political struggle.
Pastor Igor Bandura from Odessa, Ukraine sent the following prayer requests to help guide us with our praying.

1. We have a new coalition at the parliament and the parliament now is the only centre of decision making. Our brother in Christ, a member of one of the baptist churches in Kiev was elected as the head of the parliament. During these days he also coordinates the Cabinet of ministers. He also serves as President until the next election on May 25. Please, pray for him and this transitional group of leaders to lead the country through difficult but very important decisions.
2. The country is still divided on the west and the east and the threat of separation is still real. Please, pray for the unity of our people.
3. All our churches are very active praying days and nights to God and we see how He is answering. Many help with medicine, food  etc. This is a great time to witness about God's love. We need to experience his reconciling power through Christ Jesus.
4. Pray for God's wisdom for all our pastors as people are looking for many answers about the situation.

For more information about SGA see

For your information

Cake sale

23rd March 2014

Three of Woodgreen's young ladies are kindly arranging a cake sale at the church on 23rd March.

Please support this if you are able, proceeds towards Transition House.

Monday, 24 February 2014

For your information

There is a Slavic Gospel Association 'as much as you can eat' men's breakfast on Saturday 8th March 8.00am - 10.00am at Elmbury Lodge Brewers Fayre, Tewkesbury GL20 8ND.


Oni MladinOnisim Mladim is the Pastor of a strong Baptist Church in Arad, Western Romania near the Hungarian border. He has been a friend of SGA for many years and now makes a significant contribution to church planting ministry in the Ukraine. As Director of the Mission School in Arad he has a strategic role in preparing others for ministry in the Arad area.

For more information contact - Donald Harvey 01684 593259

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Thank you

Thanks to everyone involved in yesterday evening's Valentines Supper which raised over £200 for the project.

Valentine's Day Supper Friday 14th February at 7.30pm

Why not support the Odessa Project and enjoy a Valentine Supper at Woodgreen, prepared and served by 'Hub' and their leaders.

Proceeds will go to the project.



Leek & potato soup
Both served with crusty bread


Beef Stroganoff
Mushroom Stroganoff

Served with Rice or Jacket potato

Followed by Dessert

Tickets £8 per person

(entry by ticket only)

To obtain tickets, see Becky, Tom or Fi this Sunday at Woodgreen. If you are unable to get there on Sunday but would like to come please email me at