What seemed at times an impossible task is now complete. Not so long ago we were up to our eyes in basement dust. At that time we studied the book of Joshua as a group of 22 men around the kitchen table. The message of Joshua is simple; be confident in your God, humble in yourself, and ready to do what he asks of you. In Joshua 3 we read of the miracle mainline God provided for his people to walk through (the roaring river Jordan) in the confidence that he was going before them (3:8) as they walked into his purposes. In chapter 4 the people are instructed to build a memorial with a message ( 4:3). The message was simple... your confidence for the future comes from what the unchangeable God has already done for you... (4:6) remember it!
God indeed went before us, and today we stand on solid ground, amazed again at who he is and what he does.
Today God has been good to you and me. The question is what will we do with this goodness? We could sit around leisurely enjoying it. We could just tell the great stories of God's provision over and over again (and there are many such stories of the journey God has brought us on so far.) God, however doesn't want that from us. He wants to use our memory of his goodness as fuel and confidence to advance further forward and walk further into his promises with greater joy and delight. He wants us to be strong and courageous... and move on.
2019 will be such a year for us as a team.
I am delighted to share with you that next year we are planning a number of team trips in partnership with our precious church family in Eastern Europe.
Black Sea Camp
28th April - 13th May 2019
We want to complete the family block and accommodation work at the Black Sea camp.
Why is this project our priority ?
It is very strategic for a number of gospel ministries in Ukraine...
1) It encourages the fostering shelter work and youth ministry across the country- It provides good quality facilities to show love to all those families and churches who are trying to minister love to many (thousands) of children and young people.
3) It will in due course (when we finish this accommodation) provide a venue for Pastor's conferences and training / study. Ukraine is enjoying a season of spiritual health and freedom. Its great need at this time is for many more pastors to be trained, encouraged and mentored. This facility will provide a huge boost to this critical and high priority ministry. A much needed practical help.
At present 8 men and women are already signed up for our trip next year. We have need for many more.
Could you help us by thinking about coming with us ? Would you and a few mates come or support a small group of helpers from your men's ministry group ?
- Please get in touch and we will help you to see if it would be appropriate for you. We are in need of many building materials if this dream and prayer is to become a reality. In particular we need to kit out 7 bathrooms (water boilers, tiling, basins etc) Would you be able to help us minister encouragement to gospel ministry in Ukraine by giving towards the cost of materials ? It may seem too obvious to say but we can only build if we have materials to build with.
"Good news shelter" Kremenets
28th Sept -13th October 2019
This is our dear friend Victor Pugach and his lovely family.
Viktor is lead pastor of Kremenets Baptist church. He, his family and church family have welcomed 7 young people into a home they have built to show the love of Jesus Christ. We are so encouraged with what these wonderful people have done in the name of Christ that we would love to help them complete the task which they have started with confidence in God. To encourage this ministry we are praying for 3 things...
1) That you as a church in the Uk would consider partnering with the church in Kremenets at the outset of this significant partnership project in North West Ukraine. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if this is something you would wish to consider in more detail.
2) That men would come forward to help us in this new building project. The work / skills needed will be familiar to all who have worked on transition house. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if it is a possibility that you could take some time to join us on this venture - it will help us immensely in our planning and success of this project.
3) That we would be able to purchase building materials to kit out the interior of the home, and clad the exterior to look welcoming. For these needs we are dependant on God and your gracious generosity.
We are actively involved in supporting a number of other situations. At this stage, for a number of reasons we won't yet share them with you. But maybe you would be kind enough to pray for them, as we look to God's timing as to when to help.
- Pray for the Pastors and churches in the middle of conflict who are unable to meet together in their normal way / building.
- Please Pray for Serbia, and the growing number of churches being planted in rural areas. This situation prompts a growing need for help, with exciting developments, yet little resources. We look to update you in the future.
- We are so encouraged by many wonderful churches building shelters for children, young people, the elderly and vulnerable. Please pray that these great ministries will yield a great spiritual harvest across Eastern Europe and Central Asia as the gospel of Jesus Christ is seen in its beauty, action and grace.
NB All of these plans could be accelerated if volunteers and materials become available.
Are we biting off more than we can chew? Should we just stay at home and tidy our "man-caves" one more time? Should we just stay by the fire and watch yet another champions league match? Or should be get off our well fed frames and get on a plane in the confidence that God will continue to do amazing things. We have opted for the latter. We want to be...
- Strong and courageous, because we see that GOD goes before us.
- Humble and teachable, because we see that anything good God accomplishes through us, only happens as we surrender to his purposes and goodness.
- Expectant and faith driven, because we know that THE LORD OUR GOD is with us, and he is able to do immeasurably more, even the impossible. (Eph 3:20, Matt 19:26)
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,
for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Are you up for coming with us ...
as we step forward into the promises and plans of God ?