
Monday, 21 May 2018

God is at work in ways beyond our understanding.

Good evening dear friends. I write at the end of a long but awesomely joyful and fruitful day. The 3 of us started the day by kicking off our studies in the book of John. It's a book which teaches us to know God in Jesus Christ, and helps us to make him known to others.

The truth about JESUS as shown to us in Ch1 -(you've gotta read it if you never have... )  is mindbending in it's extremities. We find on one hand - the hugeness of who Christ is, HE IS THE WORD - the one who existed before all things, the one who is the source of all life, the reason behind all existance, and the one who spoke us into existance. In him was life itself, Yet contrasted with the sepremecy, majesty and otherness of GOD is the gift of his intimacy towards us. This creator God who brought this world (and you and me) into existance did so for realtional reasons. He wants you and me to enjoy his power, his holiness, his love, his perfection, his joy, life giving together with him. The same God who created this world came into his creation relationally. Jesus Christ came to you and me as the light of the world. He reveals not only that our ultimate reason for living is him, but also that his reason for living and dying was to rescue us and reconect us to live with him. The Christian joy is that every new day is given to know God in the forgivness, and resurection power of Jesus Christ.

In a small room on the 4th floor of transition house, 3 blokes in their working gear were exceptionally joyful and overwhelmed, as we were reminded that we are loved by the authorand sustainer of life himself. There is no better way to start the day, than remembering the one who loves us and gave himself for us.

Today was a working day. We were enabled by God's help to complete 7 double doorway surrounds, 9 window surrounds and the decorative ceiling architrave for the two large basement halls.  We returned into the basement after evening meal to finish off some small jobs. We did so gladly and without expectation or cumpulsion, we are excited by how it looks, and genuinely thrilled with what we managed to achieve today. The guys will really sleep well toniight.  This however is nothing compared to what God has enabled his people to achieve here during our absence. I will not spoil the surrprise with photos yet, mainly because we are putting the final touches on what is a bit of a masterpiece canvas down in the basement. Peter would not forgive me if I  showed photos before the final consumate touches were completed. The standard (especially of the large communal hall) is exceptional. Everwhere oozes class. It is  a labour of love. Some hotels would be exceptionally jealous! My heart skipped a beat when I saw what young people will get to enjoy here. Prsaise GOD.
We are so grateful for our Ukrainian friends we work with. They are top notch guys of humility, hard work and good humour. They also work hard all day understanding our colloqial english. "Okay DOKY!, has become a shared cross cultural expression.

Tomorrow I will be going off air until Friday. This is for a number of vslid reasons. One of those reasons will become self explanitary to private friends on another blog. Another reason is that we have brought forward our work at the Black sea camp. A number of us will be working on inner walls of the family block. We have chosen to do this now without internet access there to be helpful to our hosts. Please do pray for this venture that we have success and that many young people will come to know their reason for living and certain hope in that place in the future.

Thank you for remembering us, it means so much. We finish the day as we started. Remembering that the one who does more than we can think or imagine is operating here. He is enabling his people , as they pray (before each activity, break, and work time) to become fruitful in his purposes. As they live for him, and look to serve him, they find their joy purpose and pleasure. We too have joined in with that Joy today. Jesus Christ is not only the reason we live and have life to the full, he is the one we want to live for. There is no pleasure greater than living for him.

Chat soon after our working trip, praying for you as you pray for us.
Much love,