Happy New Year
On the eve of another New Year, as you look back over the events of last year and look forward to a new year with all it's opportunities, I wonder, are you the sort of person who makes New Year resolutions? Perhaps more so, are you the sort of person who keeps them past the first week?
What do you resolve to do each year? Lose weight, get fit, eat less, drink less, look up that old friend you haven't seen for a long time, make up with the person you haven't spoken to for ages, do more, get out more, the list is endless.
Have you considered being more involved in your local Church or even going to your local Church.
As we think of the wonderful message of Christmas, when our saviour Jesus Christ came down to earth to dwell with men, don't you think it would be good to get more involved in 2013, to put your beliefs into practice.
Odessa Project is all about short term mission for men. Opportunities for one or two weeks to go somewhere different, get away from the daily routine, step out from your comfort zone, meet and fellowship with other believers and support God's work practically by helping to complete a home for needy children and young people.
Wishing you every blessing for the coming year.