It's lunchtime on Thursday and we're nearly done! By nearly done I don't mean the building, just our week here and the small projects we've been entrusted with.
There was no update yesterday because we didn't get chance during the day and took the lads from transition house bowling in the evening. They had a great time and so did we. The highlight of the evening was watching Sam try to teach the lads to spin bowl the ball and then watch them try, with varied success!!
Yesterday we were joined for the day by Gabe, an American missionary who came out to join the team in Odessa with his wife and daughter 18months ago. They're in the process of learning the language and helping out in the children's home, playing games, doing crafts and teaching the Bible. He spent the day with us helping to translate, and some of the guys had a useful meeting with our hosts discussing how we can support them in the future, which wouldn'tve been possible without Gabe! He came bowling too, we showed him how to play!
After spending time in the Bible this morning as a team we've been encouraged to get as much done as we can today, so we're working hard so we make as much progress as possible before we leave. Please be praying for our energy and concentration levels!
Back to it...!