
Sunday, 13 May 2012

Only 13 days to go & counting!

It seems ages ago that we set the date to go back to Odessa and started thinking about raising money to help pay for materials.

Since then lots of people have been very generous, both with time, arranging the Barn Dance, helping with the car wash and breakfast and coming on the sponsored bike ride, and with money, giving generously at all the events.

Thank you all for your gifts and encouragement.

When we booked our tickets it still seemed a long time to wait till 26th May, but time has just flown by and it is now only 13 days till we go.
We meet again as a team tomorrow evening for a social time together and to sort out any last minute questions. We hope to get together with some of the men from North Wales who are going out the week before us.

Our plan is to keep this blog updated as often as we can when we are out in Odessa to keep everyone informed about what we are doing and how the work is progressing.

So keep checking.
