
Friday, 24 May 2013

Amazing farewell meal

Dear all,
Just had our goodbye meal. As always on these trips we have received far more in friendship, fellowship, kindness, hospitality and humble example than we have offered. Pastor Igor and Pieter made some wonderful speeches at the beginning of our meal together. It is very humbling when a Ukrainian gentlemen speaks perfect English thinks he should apologise for their lack of communication. It is particularly difficult to stomach knowing you must then respond and give a farewell speech knowing that your only option is your mother tongue, and you feel stuck for words to express what you need to say. It went something like this...

  • Dear brothers from England, we want to thank you thank you thank you for your work. You have far exceeded our plans for this week, and your example and attitude have been not only a blessing to the church, but have encouraged us to look at Jesus who has served us in this way. We present you with two gifts 1) Odessa Chocolates with special wrappers showing Ukrainian history. 2) A team photo (of exceptional quality and humour - (will try to scan once home).
  • We hope that as our friendship deepens you will appreciate it when we say that we deeply appreciate not only what you have done, and the small gifts you have provided, but also how much we have grown to love your involvement in this project.
  • Followed by (some more gratitude, some thank you's, some highlights of our company, some apologies (that were completely unneeded) and some gratitude, and finally I just want to say thank a general "thank you" and some specific "thank-you's".
  • The biggest thank you goes to God for how he has changed you to be people of grace who show his grace - Slava Borg - Praise GOD (prayer of thanks to GOD translation needs some help but it generally went thank you GOD for about 5 minutes)
  • A spread of all spreads was laid before us at this point
I stand to give a few words...
1) Thank you for your exceptional hospitality
2) Thank you for allowing us to be involved in this life changing project.
3) Thank you for taking us in as your own family and giving many of us the best week ever.
4) Thank you for putting up with dust in your house from our overalls, particularly as your wife keeps things so spotless
5) Thank you Pieter for being the man everyone wants as their granddad.
6) Thank you Alex and Andre for driving us absolutely everywhere at the drop of a screwdriver/ /hammer/ axe/ bag of cement.
7) Thank you church leaders for showing what Christ looks like in action here in Odessa
8) Thank you for your love,Thank you for yourself, we love you deeply.Thank you for getting up at 4 in the morning to get us to the airport on your day off and picking the next lot of guys up at 9 in the evening.
SLAVA BORG (20 people say .... "SLAVA BORG!"

We eat, we laugh (a lot)
We talk about the superheros who stay for two weeks and those who will arrive tomorrow.
WE HUG (Ukrainian style - proper manly like with rippling muscles that crush granite) and we say a heartfelt eye- ball good-bye.
Till next time
(please wait for more photos and further updates over next 48 hours)