We have arrived in Odessa!!! (sadly Paul lewis' bags haven't)
The day started wellGatwick checklist
1) Meet up with lonely looking North-Walian who is hanging around the departure lounge
2) Top up with bacon and various other red meats that builder types eat
3) Board plane :)
Kiev Checklist
1) Check watch and work out how many minutes late (35)
2) Find shortest que for passport and immigration
3) RUN like scooby-do and make plane connection with 1 minute 30 to spare
Odessa Checklist
1) wait in bus shelter / car port area also known as baggage reclaim
2) Collect bags
3) Ask Paul exactly what he is looking for (to which he replies "My bag or anything which looks like it")
4) Talk to nice Ukranian gentlemen and ask where bag might be
5) Follow nice gentlemen to obscure office
6) meet up with amazing church family in Odessa and ask if they would not mind translating for nice airport gentlemen as he speaks no English
7) Pray that Paul's bag might turn up in Kiev to be transported to Odessa for Sunday after he has been to wedding in shorts and Odessa T-shirt.
8) Go to Grace church and eat cherry jaffa cakes until they are coming out of our ears
9) Have the best cuppa chai ever