
Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Good afternoon blogski,
Very sorry for the delay in uploading due to connection issues.
We have 1 item of sad news and 2 items of good news.
The sad news is that we heard that Pieter was involved in a very nasty car accident on Friday, just before we arrived here in the Ukraine. In typical humility the folks here didn't want it to spoil our time or bother us about it. Pieter was driving from helping out at the black sea camp. Two of the boys from transition house and a cook from the shelter were with him. In a tragic incident a man and his wife lost their lives as they crashed into the transition house minibus. This is obviously very hard for everyone concerned especially as the couple leave two small children behind. Without going into the details it is worth saying that Pieter was not at all to blame, but this makes the incident no less sad or easier to deal with, we are all just very grateful to God that he has preserved our friends through this, especially as we hear that similar and lesser incidents have left bus drivers and passengers killed here.
Please continue to pray for these people.

Yesterday morning 6:45am, (4:45 am Uk time)
Imagine a room full of men gathering together for prayer before going to work. After a short message from one of the pastors, the men are encouraged to keep pastoring others after the heart of God and leading people to the truth that is in Christ Jesus. Pastor Paul is invited to share from the bible and tell of the work in Worcester and how churches and church planting is developing there. After translation and extensive question and answer sessions we go to prayer. Kneeling before God we ask him in his sovereign plans to help us by his grace in both Worcester and Odessa. Worcester seems to be far more mentioned than Odessa, these people have a heart for mission wherever it is. After an hour or so, when everyone has had opportunity to pray we all stand (with creaky wobbly legs) and with BIG BIG BIG smiles greet each other in Joy, making sure we have shaken every man's hand in the room. This is the Joy of gospel work, everything in common apart from language :). Odessa and Worcester need Jesus, We have the privilege of preaching the gospel to needy places, whilst showing authentic community. Both places need a fresh reliance on God, a new vision of the Lordship of Jesus, and a new passion and humility to go where God wants us to, and when we do WHAT AN AMAZING PRIVILEGE.

Work on transition house continues apace. Many bits of metal have been assembled for ceilings, boxing in pipes and partition walls (photos will follow later). Apparently the forth bridge team are coming over later to see how proper engineering looks.

Tiles have been bought and now Rob and team are settling in to a few days on their knees (nothing spiritual) just the correct place for a man who needs to stay in line... 1) with the plumb string 2) with Sasha the builder (height kontrol kontrol level OK!) and 3) Lydia and the women who will be cooking in that kitchen - No pressure then Rob - you did say you had laid a tile before.
The best news of the Day is that Builder Sascha is on site now that his leg is less stitched. If you haven't heard the news then let me surmise in Ukrainian.
Sascha angle grind
Metal balance on knee
No guard on grind
Sascha miss
Angle grind no go metal just knee
Is Ok just about 2-3 inches disc Go in - So is ok!
I think this roughly translates as - Sascha's leg still stitched on like a teddy bear, but it will take more than that for him to stop being here, and overseeing a church plant at the same time. Why be at home when you can show people how to tile and do metal work whilst lying of 2 chairs.
Will post photos as soon as possible (nice ones)
In the meantime as we trudge up the stairs post lunch, love from all the team, and remember blogski, take care, note to self, travel safely, grind safely and pray!