Hi friends, hope your day has been productive. We met early this morning to study and pray. I would love to say that we were bright and early, but sadly the voices around the table were a bit Barry White. During the day we had several visitors, from ventilation experts to interior designers. despite all the diruptions and numerous comittee meetings (some more helpful than others), we made significant progress. We are looking forward to showing you some before and after photos hopefully tomorrow.
Hero of the day award goes to Joe who sadly contracted the lurgy some 24/48 hours ago/ It had been doing the rounds, and the dusty environment isn't particualy helpful to reccouperation, He was right to rest out this morning, but praise God he was sufficiently recovered to crack on with drill and OSB board in hand this afternoon. Sadly for this heroic effort he got some sawdust / small splinter in his eye from chopping a full size OSB board with the circular saw. I thought over dinner he was emotional at the privilege of being with us, but it was just a collection of his injuries and illnesses. Please pray for a swift recovery.
Heroine of the day award goes to Katya.

A number of people have their home at transition house at the moment. You will have heard of us talk about Lydia and Peter, who faithfully feed us as if we are never ever needing to eat again. You know all about John B C becuase he is already famous. We have met a wonderfull brother this time called Viktor. Originally from Germany, he is a gifted man of God. Having a background in law amongst many other things, he has been a wonderful foster carer and now is using his time to work on elecrtrics gardening and maintainance at TH.. He has faithfully been mowing, raking and repairing the lawn all week (and I mean all week) with German efficiency. It is the most loved piece of grass in Ukraine.. (Viktor is in his favourite red Buyern Munich tracksuit in the photo). Then there is a wonderfully talented couple Sergi (in the hat - who also has had the lergi) and Elena (Helena), who have a little boy Nazaar. They are a gift to God's people here, not least in the superb translation work that Sergi does for us. The fellowship with local beleievers has been extraordinally special here this time, and much of it is down to Sergi's brilliant translation and spiritual gifting, as we have communicated and prayed with various folk.This evening was super special, becuase there are 3 other friends who live here who had planned a special thank you to the team for all the work they have put in over their trips. Katya, Lena, and Vicka live at transition house, and joined us after dinner. It was wonderful to get to know them a bit better and hear a little of how their friendship has grown both through the work of "hope house" and now here. They are wonderfully close, great sisters in every respect. Katya had made us 2 cakes as a special present. When I say "cakes" what I really mean is the mother of all cakes. Katya has a diploma in pastry/ cake making/ cookery and boy was the evidence impressive.

The only way I can describe one of the cakes is...
Imagine about 8 layers of beautiful spunge cake (all different) filled in each layer with creamy filling, fresh fruit, jelly / trifle., and topped with creamy marshmallowy yummyness. I'm not sure the men have any room left in their stomachs for several weeks, but I can assure you the cake went down really, really well.
Thank you Katya, Lena and Vicka for a very special evening, we really appreciate all the effort you went to and thank God for each of you and your story of His faithfulness.
This is the happy photo of us all together...
A superb day with wonderfull friends, a humbling ending. The privileges are all ours.
Talk tomorrow,