Isaiah 40 puts it like this...
Even youths grow tired and weary,and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Big encouragement no 1 :
The spiritual motivation and energy of men who work to please God not themselves.
I'm sure this team won't mind me saying that the guys who are out in Odessa at the moment are politely put "full of experience". As far as average age goes this is the most senior team we have had to date. Yet... when other men are tidying their sheds, striping the lawn, watching the bowls and sitting on park benches feeding the pigeons, these guys are up ladders, bruising, scratching and bleeding as they put in metal framework and drill holes to make industrial stength walls for young people to punish in a sports hall. I'm so proud to call these guys my mates, they are fired by the same ambition... to do something of worth for Christ and to do all they can to help the next generation to come to know him. If you are cheering them on, they are doing you proud I can assure you.

Big encouragement no3: Today we managed to complete the metal work and boarding of the main walls in the sports area.
As you can see the lower area has been left for ventilation purposes. With a sense of achievement we were able over our evening meal to accelerate the next stage on this room. We will move on to the ceiling and window areas. In the adjecent room (the one through the window opening) we have started metal work on the walls of what will be the "changeing room."
It was great having Rob and Joe in there with us today. Rob shared with us how it was part of the agreement Rob had with Joe (when he let him marry his daughter) that he came out to Odessa to do work. I don't know what other deals Rob made with him, but that was a stroke of genius!!! Joe is great to have around. You will see from our "apparatus", that there are a variety of wooden "implements" that help us reach the high ceiling areas. Some of them are more sturdy than others, but in truth we have learned to use an SDS drill whilst standing on one leg when it is perched on something akin to the sinking titanic. Despite this the walls look remarkably straight next to the spirit level (even if you don't squint).
Please pray for what we should do re:tools for the job. Some of you will know that we have purchased a number of drills and electric screwdrivers for the tasks at transition house. The truth is that today they told us they are very tired and would appreciate going for a lie down. Tomorrow we hope to start purchasing replacements desiring that there is no delay on the job waiting for drills to charge etc. We would like to accomplish as much here as is possible during our stay. Would you kindly please pray that we can buy at least one new drill for a good price to help us get the jobs done efficiently.
Well that's a long blogski, your eyes will be getting tired.... but thank God (before you leave this page) that he reinvigorates those who work hard for him. What a God we have! He not only provides all we need, and much more besides, but he so re energises those who walk with him and work hard for him, that they are fresher at the end of the day than the begining, and happier working for him than doing anything else in life. As these guys put their head on the pillow tonight they still have more "get up and go" than any of our drill batteries even though they have been worked just as hard. They can have full confidence that they have diligently applied 2 Thess 3:13..
"And as for you, brothers and sisters, never (ever, ever, ever) tire of doing what is good."
Speak soon,
love blogski.