
Sunday, 9 March 2014

Sunday Worship at Grace Baptist Church Odessa

We've had full day today, arriving at the church just after 9am this morning, the service started at 10am and we had an american, Alfie, translating for us. There were 3 sermons and plenty of singing.


We left church just after 12.00 and went to have lunch with the children in the shelter, which is situated next to the church building. After lunch we spent time playing catch and basketball with some of the boys. We managed over an hour playing before it was time for a rest while the children watched a video.

After tea, again with the children, we went to the evening service, this time without a translator so it was interesting trying to keep up with what was happening and being said.

Back to work tomorrow as we start our second week here, time is going very quickly, it doesn't feel as though we've been here a week already.